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  • LawDeb wins Independent Trustee Firm of the Year at Pensions Age Awards

LawDeb wins Independent Trustee Firm of the Year at Pensions Age Awards

We are delighted to receive this recognition, and I am especially proud of the agility colleagues showed during the LDI crisis, with the team having regular calls to share experiences and insights with both clients and fellow trustees. As the pension landscape evolves we are focused on continuing to provide value to schemes, leveraging insights from our wide portfolio for their benefit. We will carry on working closely with our Pegasus colleagues to ensure we continue to complement the in-house resources of both our new and established clients with their specialist pensions and projects expertise.

Vicky Paramour, Managing Director at the Law Debenture Pension Trust Corporation

Meet the Heads of Pensions and Pegasus

Profile image for Sankar Mahalingham

Sankar Mahalingham

Managing Director, Pensions

London, UK

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