
Our team : A global network of experts

Safecall works with some of the world’s leading brands helping them to foster positive speak-up cultures and protect their reputations. We do this through the delivery of global whistleblowing solutions that enable our clients to capture, analyse, investigate, and report on a wide range of workplace concerns.

It’s not just about the technology, though – it’s our people and our extensive whistleblowing expertise that really make us stand out. Our understanding of whistleblowing is unrivalled and, in partnership with our clients, we have developed comprehensive incident management solutions that are intuitive, easy to use, and support the needs of start-ups through to enterprise businesses.

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Spotlight on : Our Products & Services

Whistleblowing solutions

Our services include a whistleblower hotline, an online reporting channel, comprehensive incident management platform, and investigation case management software, all designed to help safeguard your organisation, your employees, and your reputation.

Investigations & Investigation Support

We provide reliable, independent, expert workplace investigations, investigation and interviewer support, and part or whole management of the investigation procedure, all to suit the needs of your organisation.


We offer e-learning, classroom and online whistleblowing training for employees and managers. We also offer comprehensive and highly regarded investigations and interviewer training for your report managers.

Health Check & Audit Service

Our whistleblowing audit and assessment, including gap analysis of your internal whistleblowing process, and recommendations for improvements and implementations, helps highlight areas that might need development to remain compliant with whistleblower legislation.

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