Making your decision : Is Law Debenture the right investment for you?
When considering if Law Debenture Investment Trust (LWDB) is the right investment for you we recommend taking time to understand your personal investment objectives and attitude to risk, including the risks of any investments you are considering.
If you need help in understanding your personal level of investment risk – or of Law Debenture's suitability for your investment needs – please seek advice from an Independent Financial Adviser.
At Law Debenture our objective is to achieve long-term capital growth in real terms and steadily increasing income. We should be considered a long-term investment with a minimum investment timeframe.
Before investing please read through the Law Debenture Investor Disclosure Document , in particular the "investment risk" section, the Key Information Document and our Legal and Regulatory Information. Please remember that an investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back what you originally invested.
Review our monthly Factsheet too. This is a great resource for those looking to understand more about Law Debenture Investment Trust.