
Shareholder Information

On this page you will find the information about our performance and how we communicate with our shareholders. The resources on this page will help you to understand our unique structure and what this means for our investors. 

Trish Hero

Monthly Factsheets : Latest insights from our Fund Managers

Our monthly Factsheet sets out key standing data about:

  • The portfolio
  • Performance information
  • Geographic breakdown
  • Sector breakdown
  • Top fifteen holdings

We retain monthly factsheets on this site for six months. For earlier factsheets, or if you have any questions, please contact

NAV, Portfolio and Financial Calendar : Dates for your diary

Our year end is 31st December with full year results published at the end of February or early March. Our Ordinary Shares final dividend payment is mid to late April each year. 

We share additional dates around results and dividend payments, including our dividend history, on the following page. 

Annual Report and Half Year Reports : An in-depth look at Law Debenture

We circulate the annual report and financial statements to shareholders in March each year. The half yearly reports are published on our website every August. We keep these going back 20 years.

Additional shareholder information : Find out more about our Investment Trust

We have information about The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD), the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and other company announcements on our corporate governance page. 


RNS Announcements : Regulatory Financial Reporting

Under the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, we are required to publish an Annual Financial Report and a Half Yearly Report. We do this via RNS at the end of February and July each year. The reports contain some, but not all, of the information that we publish and circulate to shareholders in the annual and half yearly reports. We will retain these regulatory financial reports on our website for five years and they are available below.

To receive email notifications of future announcements please register here

Company research

Briefing for Analysts : Insights for professional investors

After we have published our annual report and financial statements each year and sometimes after the half yearly report, the Corporation delivers analyst briefings. The Chief Executive is occasionally asked to present papers at conferences, and where practicable, we will publish such papers in these pages. These are useful summaries of the Corporation and its independent professional services businesses.

To find out more contact our corporate broker J.P. Morgan Cazenove on +44 (0) 20 7742 4000

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Want to attend our AGM? : Join us in person or online

We hold our AGM in March/April each year. The Board recognises the value of the AGM as an opportunity to communicate with shareholders and encourages their participation.

More details will be shared here, and directly with our shareholders, nearer the date of the next AGM. 

The Association of Investment Companies has shared helpful information about how to vote your shares on each platform. 

AGM 2023

Register for RNS Announcements