
135th Annual General Meeting : We look forward to welcoming our shareholders

Our 135th AGM will be held on Friday 11 April 2025 at 11.00am both in person and streamed online.

We invite our shareholders to join us at Peel Hunt, 7th Floor, 100 Liverpool Street, London EC2M 2AT.

In order to welcome as many of our shareholders as possible, this year we are holding our AGM at the offices of our joint corporate broker Peel Hunt, not at our own office.

The Law Debenture team so value the chance to meet with our shareholders and hear your thoughts about the Company, we hope that you are able to join us.

AGM 2023

Join us in person :

For those joining us in person the address is Peel Hunt, 7th Floor, 100 Liverpool Street, London EC2M 2AT.

Please bring photographic identification to ensure access and voting rights. There will be tea and coffee and light refreshments available before the meeting and we will have a sandwich lunch available afterwards.

We hope that you can stay and chat with our Board members plus Portfolio Managers James Henderson and Laura Foll.

Preferrerd Board Photo December 2024 Cropped

Join us online :

For those streaming the event please register here on the Investor Meet Company platform.

Please note that you will not be able to vote online and would need to submit your votes in advance before 11am on Wednesday 9 April 2025.

The AIC shares details of how to vote on the various platforms here.

Lawdeb 900598