Clare Askem
Non-executive Director
I am a member of the Audit and Risk, Remuneration and Nomination Committees of The Law Debenture Corporation plc, having been appointed to the Board on 10 June 2021. I am also the designated Non-Executive Director for Workforce Engagement.
I have extensive background in strategic development and in-depth experience in business change and digital transformation. I am also a non-executive director of Portmeirion Group PLC and IG Design Group plc. Previously, I was managing director of Habitat at Sainsbury plc and was a director on the Sainsbury’s Argos operating board. Prior to my role at Habitat, I held a number of executive positions at Home Retail Group plc including director of strategic development, chair of the group’s technology committee and director on the operating board for Homebase. Prior to these roles I also held other executive positions at Dixons Carphone plc.