LawDeb Lens - The 3rd Annual Event - Meet the winners (November 2019)

The winners of the third annual LawDeb Lens photographs of the year competition were revealed last night at a ceremony at the Institute of Engineering and Technology, London.
Law Debenture’s clients and industry contacts saw an impressive group of 250 photos entered for this year’s competition. From mountain ranges across a purple landscape, to the sighting of a Highland Cow in a bus station and a selfie reflected against the City’s landscape, our entrants truly excelled themselves this year.
Now in its third year, the LawDeb Lens competition celebrates the rich array of travel amongst those in our industry while also highlighting individual creative flair and the emotive power of photography. The competition encompasses four categories of city life, the great outdoors, people and lifestyle. The shortlisted photographs, three in each category, were selected by Law Debenture’s senior management team for their originality and technical quality. These were displayed at last night’s ceremony where over guests were tasked to vote for the winner in each category.
The winning photos for this year's competition are:
Harry Evans, ‘Trapped’ – City Life
Marie Gower, ‘Mirror, Mirror - who’s the fairest’ – The Great Outdoors
Kristine Mepharishvili, ‘Self-respect’ – People
Vanessa Roberts, ‘Standing room only’ – Lifestyle
Denis Jackson, Chief Executive Officer at Law Debenture, said: “I’m incredibly impressed with this year’s contestants and the warm welcome the shortlisted entrants received at our annual reception. LawDeb Lens is an exciting opportunity for our clients and industry contacts to show off their unique perspectives on the people, places and wildlife they’ve encountered through the art of photography. This year’s winners came from the largest and most diverse pool yet. From documenting awe-inspiring landscapes to capturing the beauty of city life, once again we are reminded there is so much more to using a camera than a simple ‘point and shoot’.”
View the winners below.