
About Law Debenture

The work we do at LawDeb matters. 

Our business was founded in 1889. That is 135 years of us making a positive impact for our shareholders, clients and communities. 

It’s a responsibility that we take seriously.   


Tried and tested : Trusted since 1889

We are established, trusted and truly independent. Our track record over the last 135 years of stability coupled with innovation, and our ongoing commitment to delivering peace of mind sets us apart.

We have supported shareholders, grown our professional services offerings and built a culture to be proud of.

Explore our story so far on the page below.

Robust governance : Working together to deliver peace of mind

As an Investment Trust we have a Board of Directors in place to set our strategy and monitor our Investment Manager and Executive Leadership’s performance.

Our Board works closely with colleagues from around the business to ensure we are doing the best for our shareholders. 

Preferrerd Board Photo December 2024 Cropped

A strong culture : We live our values

In 2020 we worked closely with our team members from all offices and business lines to understand exactly what drives them. We discovered that no matter which area of the business, these values were the same, and we were already living them:

  • We are better together
  • We never stop learning
  • We make change happen
  • We believe it is possible

We trust that those who have already worked with us will recognise these principles in the way we have worked with you.

Proud of our impact : We make change happen

We are governance experts, trusted to secure the pensions benefits for 10% of the UK population to support their peace of mind around retirement. Through Safecall we provide a safe way to speak up and report wrongdoing in the workplace for over 5 million people globally.

We keep transactions moving and these transactions in turn positively impact communities, both environmentally and socially. From connecting people through transport infrastructure, to creating a better future through clean energy projects.

As an organisation we recognise the importance of a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce, and we lead by example. See a few examples below.

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Our ESG Committee came together to ensure that as a business we were best serving our shareholders, clients and communities. They meet regularly to monitor and drive forward our progress. 

Our ESG Statement

We believe ESG underpins our objectives of sustainable long-term returns for our shareholders, delivery of long-term objectives for clients of our Independent Professional Services business, as well as promoting behaviours among our workforce that are aligned to our corporate values.

ESG issues are integrated into our investment analysis and decision making as we believe it delivers a resilient portfolio and better outcomes for our shareholders, community and the environment.

As an organisation we recognise the importance of a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce. Whilst there is always more to do we know our people and our clients value transparency around our journey.

  • We know that our diversity directly benefits our clients. 
  • We bring visual representation and diversity of thought that supports innovation and challenge.
  • Our clients recognise the importance of our DE&I journey in delivering their peace of mind. 

"The LawDeb value of ‘Better Together' is about bringing different people with different experiences and different perspectives together and truly valuing what they bring to our business." Trish Houston - LawDeb COO

For those we have worked with for a number of years the changes in culture at LawDeb are likely evident. We have retained our focus on providing peace of mind to our clients whilst understanding that this now incorporates more than purely the service we deliver. We are focused on understanding what our people and our clients expect and have articulated this through our four values: Make Change Happen; Better Together; Believe It’s Possible and Never Stop Learning.

Encompassing all of these values is our work around diversity. 

Where to find us : Our locations

LawDeb has eight offices around the world, servicing 172 jurisdictions

8th Floor, 100 Bishopsgate, London, EC2N 4AG

+44 (0)20 7606 5451

+44 (0)20 7606 0643

Loftus House, Colima Avenue, Sunderland, SR5 3XB


2 New Bailey Square 6 Stanley Street Salford, M3 5GS

+44 (0) 20 7606 5451

+44 (0) 20 7606 0643

Suite 901, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10170, USA

+1 212 750 6474

+1 212 883 0630

919 North Market Street suite 725, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA

+1 302 482 4288

+1 302 543 4999

Suite 1301 Ruttonjee House, Ruttonjee Centre, 11 Duddell Street, Central, Hong Kong

+852 2234 918

+852 2234 9765

38/39 Fitzwilliam Square W, Dublin 2, D02 NX53, Ireland

+353 1 544 1600

PO Box 150, 3rd Floor, IFC5 Castle Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3BY

+44 (0)1534 888 050

+44 (0) 20 3002 1082