Law Debenture Investment Trust

Our objective is to achieve long-term capital growth in real terms and steadily increasing income.

Significant, consistent income contribution from our Independent Professional Services business gives greater flexibility in stock selection.

Visit the pages below to discover more about the Investment Trust.

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LawDeb Independent Professional Services

Our objective is help businesses to operate efficiently and achieve their long-term strategic objectives.

We deliver trusted, independent expertise to businesses of all types requiring governance and transaction services.

Visit the pages below to discover more about each of our services.

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Investment Trust Highlights

In 2023 Law Debenture won:

  • for the third year running, Investment Company of the Year - UK Income category at the Investment Week led Awards
  • for the second year running the AJ Bell Investment Awards in the Active - Income category

Joint-Portfolio Manager Laura Foll recently spoke to an AJ Bell audience about the Law Debenture proposition. Hear from her on the right.

LawDeb: Supporting Lawyers in Private Practice

We support lawyers and their clients with everything from Corporate Secretarial Services, including:

Entity Management; Escrow and Paying Agency; Service of Process; Whistleblowing services, including our hotline, training and investigations offering, through to Pension scheme trusteeship and governance.

A unique combination of FTSE-listed, award winning UK Income Investment Trust and  leading provider of Independent Professional Services, we have the infrastructure, resources and can-do culture that delivers bespoke solutions in a nimble way.

We deliver peace of mind to you and your clients, freeing up your time and supporting your wider practice(s).

2nd Panel
  • 0 YEARS

    Of helping investors to protect their portfolios


    In key locations around the world


    Facilitating global business

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News and Events

Law Debenture launches financial education initiative WIN* - Widening Investor Networks

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LawDeb Connected Webinar demystifies Corporate Sole Trusteeship

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Sankar Mahalingham promotes two to support him as Managing Director of Law Debenture’s Pensions Business

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2024’s LawDeb Pensions Debate delivers on the topic of sustainability

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Law Debenture wins two categories of the INSEAD Alumni Balance in Business Initiative

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Change of address: LawDeb’s New York office is moving from 6th May 2024

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